Do not despair, there's plenty of cool ideas one can come up with even on a short notice. An option that proves to be both low-priced and easy to make is a do-it-yourself mask. A masquerade is a glamourous way to dress up with little effort involved. What you wear with it is up to you, so feel free to either go over-the-top in a fancy cocktail dress or stay casual with a black shirt and a pair of Levi's.

- a plain paper/plastic mask (usually priced at around 3€ & available in all shapes/colors)
- sequins, glitter, ribbons, trimming,... anything appealing you find around the house/at the next department store
- feathers (always look nice and give the mask a more extravagant feel to it)
- glue (you'll have a hard time without this one)
- a little bit of creativity
Now... get crazy! Perhaps it would be a good idea to make some sketches on a piece of paper before you start glueing stuff onto the mask. Also, think about which color spectrum you're looking at. Gold, red, dark green (looks good with peacock-feathers!) and black usually look more glamourous than blue or pink, which are more flashy. However, sometimes sticking to just one color plus a little gold or silver can create a nicer effect than going overboard on the colorwheel. The two images below are great examples of masks that seem rather simplistic at first, but reveal intricate design and complicated handiwork at a second glance.