A while ago I reported back from an alternative type of demonstration here in Berlin - the
Silent Climate Parade. The event turned into a huge success, international media coverage and a daily increasing amount of fans on the event's facebook page followed shortly thereafter.
(can you spot La Berlina in this shot of the Silent Climate Parade?)
Now, the boys are back. In light of the current climate summit in Copenhagen and the
World Wants A Real Deal global day of action on December 12th, it is time to take a stand in the fight against climate change. While the event's organizers once again aim to combine political activism with tons of fun and a kickass soundtrack to back everything up, the concept of
climate action numero dos differs slightly from that of the previous event.

signing up, you will be sent a link to download the audio file that will be used during the demonstration. Transfer this file onto your mp3 player and bring it along on Saturday. Not only will you be listening and dancing to the same music as everyone else, you will also receive important instructions on what to do next... this may include chasing other participants who have dressed up as CO2-molecules ;)
All in all, the event promises to be another big success in raising awareness and protecting our environment. Register now and get all of your friends to join in the fun! More information can be found on the
official website or on
the event's facebook page.